
Belly Button Nose Ring or Both?

Is there any reason to choose the navel nose piercing? Navel rings are more fun than a nose release? There are pros and cons of each.

Belly Button Nose Ring or Both

The most popular areas of piercing the ears, nose and navel. It does not really dispute as to the ears these days. However, controversy remains about the navel and nose. The main controversy about the age that most people choose to have these done. Do not know exact numbers, but it seems that some people tend to do when they are old high school or college. If you are in this age group and given that, here are some things to consider.

Belly Button Nose Ring or Both

A navel piercing and nose are similar in how it must be performed by qualified personnel. You should check out the site in advance to make sure you feel comfortable that they are clean and they know what they are doing. You should not use firearms for the procedure. Talk to the person doing the work of post-treatment. How hard is to keep the area clean? How many times a day must be cleared? What is the risk of infection? When you can begin to change the jewelry? Follow-up visits are made to participate?

Belly Button Nose Ring or Both

The main differences between the two is the length of healing and visibility. Navel piercings can take four months or more to heal completely. Perforation of the nose usually heal in a month. It is necessary to hold the nose ring at any time so that the hole does not close. This means you can not hide for a special occasion like a wedding or job interview. You should be comfortable with that. By its nature, it is possible to hide a navel piercing. Even if you want to keep navel rings in place, so it does not close, you can still hide the area with clothing.

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